
On the auspicious occasion of Mahashivratri, Thane based Rudra Universe Foundation organised Sada Shiva, an event that celebrated the Supreme light called Shiva. The evening, that began at 5.30 pm saw different shades of celebration from soulful bhajans, the Ananda Tandava dance to a discourse by the founder Gurushree Vidushii who led the entire audience towards the Anahada nada of the Lord.

Gurushree’s book, Tattva Gyan also got released on this auspicious occasion and there were several media dignitaries present among the audience. The chief guests of the evening were Shri Milind Ballal, Editor in Chief of Thane Vaibhav, Thane’s most loved daily newspaper and Sushri Suma Varughese, Editor-in-chief of Life Positive that is India’s premiere mind, body and spirit magazine.

After the book got launched formally, Sushri Varughese spoke about Gurushree’s profound knowledge on spirituality and the excellent reading Tattva Gyan could prove for every individual. Shri Ballal then enthralled the audience with a captivating speech on the amazing source of knowledge that Tattva Gyan contains and that such writings are the soul behind preserving dharma in the current competitive world. Gurushree then led the audience into an entirely different world of her own spiritual journey and how she received such profound knowledge on tattvas in her childhood.

The audience then experienced a brief and intense session of sadhana with Gurushree who spoke on Lord Shiva’s various forms and how each individual could come close to that Lord’s light and grace. The sadhana session was followed by a soulful rendition of Ganapti and Shiva bhajans by noted singer, Pandurand Thakare. Famous Marathi film writer Prakash Bhagwat also spoke on his journey with the foundation and blessings of the Guru. The evening ended with a great Ananda Tandava performance by dancers of Thane’s Nalanda Nritya Niketan.

Magadhi Bam, the Chief Resourcing Officer ended the evening with beautiful comparison of the foundation, that has always been there in srishti, walking this path just like a seed. She said “”When you see the rose flowers blossoming, have you ever thought that all this color, all this softness, all this beauty was hidden somewhere in the seed? But the seed alone was not enough to become a rose, it needed the support of existence – the soil, the water, the sun. All these together transform the seed, which was almost like a dead piece of stone. Suddenly a transformation, a metamorphosis happens. These roses, these colors, this beauty, this fragrance, cannot come from it unless existence has it already.”

Truly, it seems we have always been there, all we need is that Divine One’s blessings who contains all existence within.